Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sport/Exercise Investigations

We have been busy carrying out investigations around sports and exercise. We decided to investigate: ‘How far can Rm O kick a rugby ball’ ‘How many push ups can Rm O do in 1 minute’ ‘How many kart wheels can Rm O do in 1 minute’ ‘Skips in 1 minute’ and ‘Shooting hoops in 1 minute. We made posters to display our information. The poster had to include the aim of our investigation, suitable graphs to display the information and a summary of what we found out.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Here is Room O’s publishing wall. In our 1st selection of published work are some exciting recounts about our holidays. Please come in and read and enjoy our published writing. As a class we developed our success criteria, which can be viewed in the above image.

Room O's Class rules

Here are Room O’s class rules. We developed them and then Hayley and Jayden typed them up.

Room O's Name Self Portraits

Here are some of Room O's Name Self Portraits. The objective with these was to display our name using a format that tells others about ourselves and our interests.
They speak for themselves...