
Minecraft Homework Challenge W7&8:

Objective: Build a bridge... 
- Looks like a bridge 
- Is well designed
- Looks like it could  stand without collapsing... 

Minecraft Homework Challenge W5&6:

Objective: Build a house... (after milling wood/mining stone for materials)
- Looks like a house
- High build quality 
- Is well designed

If you already have a minecraft account skip this initial part. This is to play in demo mode. It provides 1hr 40 min worth of playing; about enough to frantically gather materials, then build your house. Please ask your parents before taking part in this challenge.

1. Start here: https://minecraft.net/download   and run minecraft.exe
Follow the steps to get the demo up and running.
The basic controls are explained before the game starts.

If you have never played before (like me) you may encounter some frustrating things...
- When it becomes night, these annoying spiders and bow carrying men attack you making it near impossible to gather the materials you need to build your house. To avoid this, press esc to bring up the game menu, go to options and turn the difficulty to peaceful. 
- When it gets dark you can't see what you are doing! Follow the above steps, and go to video options and increase the brightness to full (you could use a torch/candle, but  at time of writing I have not worked out how to do that). 
- To chop wood or mine stone to use as building materials, hold down the left click mouse button until you receive the building materials.
- If you are building your house and run out of materials, e.g. wood, save the game before going searching for it so then if you get lost and lose your house and can go back to your saved point. (It is immensely annoying to lose your house and have to start from scratch :)

Persevere! It took me awhile to get started but once I understood how the game works it was actually kind of fun.
Take a screen shot of your building for evidence. If you are unsure of how to do so, I will show you in class (along with the above), if our school filter will let me. Email it to: roomo@manchesterstreet.school.nz

 Good luck and have fun... 

Mr Ward