Wednesday, July 2, 2014

YMCA sport stars

This morning we had YMCA sport stars it was our last day.First they sorted us into groups.Our group first played a game of basketball.There were yellow bibs and no bibs then we did the chuck up bibs got the ball first.Then no bib get the ball from bibs Nathan gets the ball he shoots and gets it in. Bibs start with the ball.Henry passed the ball to me then I ran up the court then I took a bibs start and they Devon he gets down field and takes a 3 pointer he gets it in.Bibs start yah we get the ball no the ball went out.Non bibs throw in and Devon took the throw in and passed it to Nathan then he ran odown the court no he lost control ohh it went out.Harris took the throw in yah we intersected the ball Devon takes the shot no he misses.The whistle blows ohh! We all say the game is over.Then we went to layouts we learnt how to shoot with one hand then we took a shoots it was hard we had to go right foot ford then left and hop and shoot.Everyone was disappointed that it was the last day of YMCA sport stars.We got a citificet and a lollie pop. By Devon and Jack

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