Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Balloon Powered Cars

We designed and then made our balloon powered cars using cardboard, balloons,
straws, skewers and milk bottle lids. First we made the body of the car using cardboard, (the cardboard was flexible), then we chopped the end of a straw and stuck the skewer through the straw to be our axles. After we got the skewer through the straw we got milk bottle lids and put then on the skewers to be our wheels. To test the wheels, we held the straw and spun the wheels - perfect they worked! After that we made a hole in the top or the back of our cars and stuck a different straw in and then but a balloon on the end of the straw and stuck a bunch of tape around the balloon so no air could escape (as then they wouldn’t go as fast). Then if we wanted to, we could just make it look better and make it look cool by adding parts of cardboard to add more detail or colour it. After all the teams had finished it we tested them out - all of them did well!!

   J By Jakob J

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