Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Enviro Day

Here are a couple of pictures from Wednesday’s Enviro Day. One of the pics show us working busily in our Room O garden. The other picture is of our decorated pots in which we planted Kowhai seeds. We had to scrape the outer layer of the seed (scarification) to allow water to enter so the seed would germinate. This is to mimic nature as the outer layer would be eroded as the kowhai seeds pass through a bird or are washed down stream. 

Bike Out 2011

Here are some pictures of our bike trip to Timona Park, as part of our cycle safety unit. We rode to Timona park under police escort and once there we took part in a variety of cool activities such as being timed around a BMX track, riding through an obstacle course and taking part in a relay.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dot plot graph of the times Rm O and their families opened the fridge

Room O collected data on when our households open the fridge. We found out that the fridge was most frequently opened at 7am and also at 5 pm; that it wasn't opened between 11pm and 4 am; and that someone has to get up at 4am (because they open the fridge then).