Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Balloon Powered Cars

We designed and then made our balloon powered cars using cardboard, balloons,
straws, skewers and milk bottle lids. First we made the body of the car using cardboard, (the cardboard was flexible), then we chopped the end of a straw and stuck the skewer through the straw to be our axles. After we got the skewer through the straw we got milk bottle lids and put then on the skewers to be our wheels. To test the wheels, we held the straw and spun the wheels - perfect they worked! After that we made a hole in the top or the back of our cars and stuck a different straw in and then but a balloon on the end of the straw and stuck a bunch of tape around the balloon so no air could escape (as then they wouldn’t go as fast). Then if we wanted to, we could just make it look better and make it look cool by adding parts of cardboard to add more detail or colour it. After all the teams had finished it we tested them out - all of them did well!!

   J By Jakob J


Did you know the best readers read the most? That’s why everyone at the Literacy Quiz is here, to test their expansive book-knowledge on challenging questions. The MSS group(Gabby, Lucas, James, Alex, Ella, and I)  is sitting in a vast hall ready to think. Unfortunately, so is everyone else. The competition is on!

Hours later, the Quizmaster, Wayne Mills, is announcing the winners. Our Manchester group is 1st in year 6, 2nd in Feilding teams and 3rd in the whole competition. We won $10 each, books, and a gift voucher for Whitcoulls. Afterwards, we went to Wendy’s for a yum lunch. Mrs Mackie, Mrs Meads, Ms Bennet and Mr Barrett paid for our food  because they were so proud of us. All in all, it was a great day.The only thing that annoyed me was that my brother beat me!



Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Room N and O's Trip to the Libiary

Wow! Room O and N set out for our secret mission to the Fielding Public Library. Did you know that the more you read the smarter you get? Anyway, as I was saying Room O and our buddy class,  Room N went to the the Fielding Public  Library. We had a special guest  that read us some interesting books.   There were really fantastic books there to read. It was really cool to see lots of people enjoy their books. On the way back to school, Room N and Room O  had a play on the Makino playground -  it was a really fabulous  outing.

By Isabella                                                                                                      



Rubber band wind up car

Rubber-Band Powered Cars
In Room O we have been learning about ‘The Notion of Motion’. Our latest experiment was making rubber-band wind-up cars. First we all got our 1.5-2.25 litre bottles and drilled axle holes on either side. After that we cut out a large hole on top of the bottle to make it easier to wind up the car. To make the wheels we took four CD’s,and eight milk bottle lids for hubcaps. We hot-glue gunned the hubcaps to the middle of the CD after drilling holes in them. Then we got two skewers for axles. We rammed the wheels onto the skewers and put the axles with the CD’s on them through the holes on the bottle we drilled earlier. Mr. Ward drilled two holes in the bottle lid to put the rubber bands in. We cut off a 3 cm piece of skewer for the rubber band to hook onto. We knotted three rubber bands together and pushed them through the bottle lid holes. To make the rubber band car go we pulled the rubber band onto the little hook on the back of the axles and wound up the back wheels until it could not go any further. We placed it on the floor, let it go and watched it zoom away. In the future we hope to have a race!

By G. Quin and K. Rogers
drilling time
making cool cars ;]

hot hot!

cool car

working hard 

Our Amazing Self-Portraits

There we are, sitting on the mat thinking of what we will do for art.  I know, we should do portraits - why do we need to do portraits? Because they will look cool on the walls. When we did them, they took more than three days to finish. I was one of the last to finish. J

To make them, first we took photos of us, then we then we faded them and went over the outline in sharpie, then we applied dye, cut them out and glued them onto our colourfully designed backgrounds. We had to wait for them to dry off before we hung them up on the wall. Some people had to wait longer than others but we all got them finished. J

                                    JBy Harris Webb

YMCA sport stars

This morning we had YMCA sport stars it was our last day.First they sorted us into groups.Our group first played a game of basketball.There were yellow bibs and no bibs then we did the chuck up bibs got the ball first.Then no bib get the ball from bibs Nathan gets the ball he shoots and gets it in. Bibs start with the ball.Henry passed the ball to me then I ran up the court then I took a bibs start and they Devon he gets down field and takes a 3 pointer he gets it in.Bibs start yah we get the ball no the ball went out.Non bibs throw in and Devon took the throw in and passed it to Nathan then he ran odown the court no he lost control ohh it went out.Harris took the throw in yah we intersected the ball Devon takes the shot no he misses.The whistle blows ohh! We all say the game is over.Then we went to layouts we learnt how to shoot with one hand then we took a shoots it was hard we had to go right foot ford then left and hop and shoot.Everyone was disappointed that it was the last day of YMCA sport stars.We got a citificet and a lollie pop. By Devon and Jack

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Crazy Car Ramp Tesing

Yes, the moment I have been waiting for! We finally get use our toy cars on our cardboard and wooden ramps.  I think we are going to get a big surprise with how far the cars travel.  This will be so much fun -  we won’t do any school work for the afternoon…

I’ve got to get my car and my ramp. Ok, lets go! I hope my car doesn’t get wet (it’s drizzling and cold) while we are testing how far our cars go on ramps with different degrees of slope. “All right class - lets go get ready for our testing,” says Mr Ward .  We were very happy that we could try our ramps out. 

The next day we made a humongous ramp - it was nearly as tall as the roof.   We got the car and counted down 3, 2, 1 then the tester released the car down the ramp – ZOOM! It travelled 6 metres and 30 centimetres (although it wasn’t a smooth ride) It went much further than the cars we tested outside.

By Sophie and Paige.

Minecraft home work

I couldn't believe it MINECRAFT was now homework!!!

First we had to find a tree and punch is repeatedly until the block dropped but the tree flys in the air with out dropping so you had to keep on punching it until there is nothing left.

Then you go into your inventory and craft some sticks with your Wood planks and craft a pickaxe so you can get stone. Then you find a spot to build your house and start building here is on of David's finished products.

By Austen and David.